Back in January I did a post on my Top 5 Bloggers. This post today is a bit of an updated version. Whilst the 5 here still stand as I still avidly read their blogs , I have 5 more to share with you.
Their in no particular order because I can never wait to catch up with any of them in my blog hopping sessions.
But we must start someone so...
Does My Bum Look 40 In This - Kat's way of writing her posts can make for a side-splitting laugh minute. A beauty blogger who always looks amazingly turned out but is also so down to earth too. Do check her out if you haven't done so already.
Dorothy Camper - Lynne's blog is a relatively new one & I love it. Her blog is a mix of fashion , cooking & pics of her gorgeous pup. I constantly want to steal her style & her weekly round up posts on Sunday show off the amazing food ever.
Brummy Mummy Of 2 - Another hilarious blogger. Absolutely relatable posts about parenting as well as many posts on other subjects. Em is a recent find for me & what a gem she is.
My Midlife Fashion - A daily outfits blog. Jane is a great source of inspiration for me. You'll see lof of animal print - tastefully done & expect to want to buy EVERYTHING she shows.
Write Like No Ones Watching - Another blog I only discovered a couple of weeks ago. Another one with a mix of topics including parenting, beauty , cookery & so much more. Charlotte is such a lovely gal & a pleasure alway to read her blog posts.
So, there we have them. I hope you will decide to check them out.
Thanks for reading
Amanda x
Monday, 15 December 2014
Monday, 8 December 2014
Wishlist In Pictures
Today I thought I would share with you my wishlist in picture form. Its a small list of a variation of things including holiday destinations , clothing & other things.
Back in March I did a bucket list & I know a couple of these things are on there as well.
Before I start , is a just a fun post & not an I want, I want, I want post. Just thought I would put that out there.
I'm starting with ultimate wish ....
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If moving away was an option I would go to Cornwall. I LOVE it there & would go like a shot. |
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This appeared in my Biker Jacket post in November over on What Maddie Wore. This one by Mint Velvet is just super gorgeous. I would love to wake up top this one on Xmas day ... I won't though!!! |
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Alexander House Christmas Shopping Event
I was very lucky the other day due to a very kind friend's husband who sent us for afternoon tea at Alexander House Hotel & Spa. It is set within 120 acres of the most amazing Sussex countryside. It is a fabulous Manor House & boasts many restaurants, Utopia Spa & luxury bedrooms. Great location got Gatwick & London.
My friend & I have been here many times before & this time did not disappoint at all.
A festive menu was served. We could chosen the Champagne of Mulled Wine option but were very good & just had tea & coffee.
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Our Menu ... |
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The delicious food offerings including Turkey & Cranberry sandwiches & warm apple & sultana scones |
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Clotted cream, Clementine Marmalade & Mulled Wine Jam - this last was beautiful! |
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I did not take any photos of our surroundings apart from this one. You get an idea on how sumptuous the hotel is. Our other reason for visiting on this particular day was for the Christmas Shopping Event. There was a glass of complimentary of mulled wine ( for my friend ) & orange juice ( for myself) before we entered the main room for the talks. There was a guest speaker from Temple Spa. I thought the talk was very informative, with information on many of the products that are used within the spa as well as the products that would be on sale afterwards with 20% of everything. It was a great talk by someone who knew their stuff, loved what they were talking about but you did not have any hard sell. You can find out more about Temple Spa here. |
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One of the stands within the talk room. |
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Just a selection of the products for sale on the evening... |
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Amazing packaging... I know I am not alone in loving the packaging as much as the product at times!! |
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1 of the products I bought on the night. Its called Ta Dah! Whats not to love about that for starters? I tested it & it not only gives a lovely subtle sparkle to your skin, it smells blooming fabulous too...with essential oils of Bois De Rose , Tagette , Sandalwood, Rose Oil & Jasmine. |
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The other item I bought. I love a neck cream & do love my Clarins one very much but it costs a fortune so whilst the Temple Spa Exalt Firming Neck Cream is still pricey if you don't have the pennies to spend - I don't usually either really but the 20% on this instance was a huge help - i am really keen & interested to give this a try. Overall , we had a fab few hours. The staff within the hotel & the event were beyond welcoming & lovely. We could not have asked for more. Apparently it is an annual thing - see you next year then Alex House!! Thanks for reading. See you soon Amanda XX PS :- I was not sponsored by anyone to write this post - all thoughts , however small are my own. |
Friday, 5 December 2014
Weighing Things Up
Now that Xmas is almost upon - its December now so I am allowed to say that - it has also got me thinking about those pesky New Years Resolutions. Yes, they are always more miss than hit, with many of us making those resolutions that are broken with January barely starting. I actually rarely bother - the last one I made was a couple of years ago & that was to keep on top of the ironing more. A boring one but actually I did well that whole year!! So I have not bothered since
However, one thing has got me thinking seriously about making one for 2015 - my weight!
I have never ever been thin - that is never stick thin. Until a few years ago I was pretty much a size 10 to 12 in clothing. Whilst my tummy has always stuck out a bit I was always pretty happy with body image - a few inches taller would have been nice , still - & my weight was always at a figure I was happy with.
This past year though it has crept up to around a stone & a half over my recommended weight - which should be roughly 8 & a half stone I believe.
Because of the Stoma bag I already had to size up a little to accommodate it with some clothing which was still OK. Now though depending on the shop I can be anything up to an 18!! Which is just not on at all!!
I know what half the trouble is. Whilst I think I can easily blame my medication ( because actually my problem areas beside my stomach & hips is actually my double chin - in fact I feel like doubling that figure too- its awful, ) it cannot all be put down to that.
Before Fin was a twinkle in Daddys eye - tmi? sorry - I would go on long walks with Barney as well as go to an exercise class or 2.
Oh & I ate a bit healthier too.
This meant that whilst I never lost weight, I was keeping steady at around 8 stone. I felt better for it too.
Along came Finley & doing much exercise - although we walked to most group did a half hearted buggy fit with friends , when we always ended up at the coffee shoo with a nice fattening cake undoing all that work. As I was thinking about going back to an exercise class - dog walking was still hubbys domain at that point - I was struck down badly with a Crohns attack landing me in hospital.
I did try the Wii Fit now & then but working it around Finley was so hard. I did also think about going to an exercise class once Fin started pre-school - thinking has been as far as I have got to be honest.
The pup would be the best form of exercise for me right now but I don't seem to have the energy to take her more than round the block.
So, simply I need to get that dog walking started properly , find a class to go to AND look at my diet. The diet is the hardest bit though as I am not a salad or veg person at all & have to watch a lot of what I eat too die to the stoma bag. By cutting out the crappy snacks though I would do a huge amount on its own.
Until I get moving I have no idea how much of it can really be blamed on my meds - however I firmly believe when I was doing the classes I felt so good about myself anyway that any weight loss would be a bonus.
For 2015 then I NEED to make myself sort this out. I am so determined that this will happen .
Can I do it? Time will tell.
From January 1st I will keep you updated from time to time how I am getting on.
So, are you making any resolutions yourself? If so, what is it?
Thanks for reading
Amanda x
However, one thing has got me thinking seriously about making one for 2015 - my weight!
I have never ever been thin - that is never stick thin. Until a few years ago I was pretty much a size 10 to 12 in clothing. Whilst my tummy has always stuck out a bit I was always pretty happy with body image - a few inches taller would have been nice , still - & my weight was always at a figure I was happy with.
This past year though it has crept up to around a stone & a half over my recommended weight - which should be roughly 8 & a half stone I believe.
Because of the Stoma bag I already had to size up a little to accommodate it with some clothing which was still OK. Now though depending on the shop I can be anything up to an 18!! Which is just not on at all!!
I know what half the trouble is. Whilst I think I can easily blame my medication ( because actually my problem areas beside my stomach & hips is actually my double chin - in fact I feel like doubling that figure too- its awful, ) it cannot all be put down to that.
Before Fin was a twinkle in Daddys eye - tmi? sorry - I would go on long walks with Barney as well as go to an exercise class or 2.
Oh & I ate a bit healthier too.
This meant that whilst I never lost weight, I was keeping steady at around 8 stone. I felt better for it too.
Along came Finley & doing much exercise - although we walked to most group did a half hearted buggy fit with friends , when we always ended up at the coffee shoo with a nice fattening cake undoing all that work. As I was thinking about going back to an exercise class - dog walking was still hubbys domain at that point - I was struck down badly with a Crohns attack landing me in hospital.
I did try the Wii Fit now & then but working it around Finley was so hard. I did also think about going to an exercise class once Fin started pre-school - thinking has been as far as I have got to be honest.
The pup would be the best form of exercise for me right now but I don't seem to have the energy to take her more than round the block.
So, simply I need to get that dog walking started properly , find a class to go to AND look at my diet. The diet is the hardest bit though as I am not a salad or veg person at all & have to watch a lot of what I eat too die to the stoma bag. By cutting out the crappy snacks though I would do a huge amount on its own.
Until I get moving I have no idea how much of it can really be blamed on my meds - however I firmly believe when I was doing the classes I felt so good about myself anyway that any weight loss would be a bonus.
For 2015 then I NEED to make myself sort this out. I am so determined that this will happen .
Can I do it? Time will tell.
From January 1st I will keep you updated from time to time how I am getting on.
So, are you making any resolutions yourself? If so, what is it?
Thanks for reading
Amanda x
Monday, 1 December 2014
Christmas Decorations 2014
That time has come again for me to decorate the house for Xmas - yes its only just December but I DO NOT CARE!!! I love the decorations me & think maybe some people might be more flipping cheerful if they kept them up year round!! A good dose of Xmas spirit - not of the Gin kind ,although that is good too - would do some the world of good.
Anyway I am nattering , getting on my soap box etc blah & really I am just here to show some pics of our decorated house. Now whilst I love the decorations , I would win no prizes for actual; presentation. However, I am more than happy with what we have & apart from a few tweaks left to do - the wreath is not up at the door yet & I am bound to decide that I have missed some places with the baubles.
I have over the years had several themes I have followed. I went through a white lights only phase with jewel coloured accessories.I have long since gone back to a traditional look of reds, greens & golds though as with my green lounge it actually works very well indeed!!
So first we have the....
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We don't have many counter tops to decorate but I try & make what we do have look nice. Most of these ornaments will have been seen before , just maybe in different places. The white tree & the angel are actual candle holders that I bought a couple of Christmases ago from Partylite...! The Santa ornament was a gift several years ago from Hubby's parents. Every time it comes out of storage it reminds me of my late M-I-L. The mini trees are from Waitrose. They were £4 each. |
Lastly , here are a few individual ones. The Star & the Santa in the window look so much nicer in real life - both came from Notcutts garden Centre in Ditchling.. The Merry Xmas plaque came from Wilkos. The stockings are another Wilkos buy from many moons ago. The baubles are a new buy also Wilkos & I got a set of 32 ( I think) for just £5. Usually £10 but I am assuming it was for the Black Friday weekend only.
Are you already decorating for Xmas or do you always leave it til much later? What colours do you follow?
Share your photos with me too!
See you again soon
Friday, 28 November 2014
Clara - An Update
We have had Clara with us now since the end of August & I think it is very safe to say she has settled in her new home.
She is 7 months old now, having come to us around 4 & half months old. Still loads to do with training but I am hoping in the new year to go to some puppy classes - she is pretty good but likes to bark at EVERYONE on her walks - in a friendly way but still - oh & she HATES anything with wheels which can be fund around our way with lots of scooters & bikes!! But time & patience will sort that out especially when I go to classes too.
I am sure that puppy's are not for everyone so if you don't want a photo fest then please click out now :-)!
The rest of you come with me - if you know me on Facebook though you will have seen these!!
Making herself at home on the sofa...
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Looking very pleased with her head gear after being spayed - NOT! |
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I thought she might appreciate a jumper now it is getting colder - her face suggests otherwise & check out that tongue she is poking out... |
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I did manage to get one shot of her sitting very nicely with it - literally the only 2nd she wasn't trying to rip it off! |
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She does like to pull a few faces. I think these ones means she is happy... |
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She likes to make herself cosy on any item of clothing you may leave on the back of the sofa - yes I wore something else for the school run ... well look at those eyes... |
She is very much a Mummy ( or Daddy's) girl.. at least she is a good size to have as a lap dog. |
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lastly, BAD pic , sorry but here she is with he Expect more photos soon. I am happy to bore to death on my little baby girl!!! Thanks for stopping by. See you soon Amanda |
Thursday, 27 November 2014
It's Been A While
It's been a couple of months since I posted here. I stopped mainly because I got a bit bored & struggled to think of things to say. I have also been trying to more into my other blog " What Maddie Wore" instead. Which is fun to do but I have missed what this "Ramblings" blog is all about. Which was a place for me to ramble about anything at all. Time then to get back to it. I did think about deleting both blogs & starting back over as an anything goes blog. However, I decided actually to keep the fashion blog as is & use this one for everything else.
Once again I have no idea when I will post & what subjects will be. But as always stated many times before this blog is a hobby for me not a job!
Hopefully you will all join me once again for the ride.
Once again I have no idea when I will post & what subjects will be. But as always stated many times before this blog is a hobby for me not a job!
Hopefully you will all join me once again for the ride.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Product Empties #14
It possibly does not look it here as I seem to be doing my Empties every month but it has to be said this month has been quite a bit slower. I still have 11 products ready to be binned so lets get going.
I got a bit fed up of the Tropical scent Batiste Dry Shampoo & thus fancied a change. I find so many just don't do as good job as the Tropical & the smells can be hit & miss too. With the Cool & Crisp fresh I will say it was a nice subtle scent that I carried round with me. However, I don't think it helped my hair much. Whilst I can go a good day maybe 2 with the tropical one, with this one it made my hair looking like it needed a good wash within a few hours. back to Tropical it is then! |
I love everything about the Gentle Eye Make Up Remover from Clarins. It does a fantastic job of removing even the stubbornest of mascara. It does not sting my eyes & it smells beautiful. It will be a repurchase at some point in the future! |
St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Body Mousse is for sure my go to Fake Tan. Considering until this year I didn't do fake tan at all, to go & find one I can't live without is amazing.It doesn't streak, which was a major factor for me & so easy to apply. I use a mitt because I know without giving it a go using my hands would be a disaster. The smell is not great but comparing it to others its actually quite subtle. |
I got this nail polish remover ages ago from Space NK I think. I cannot find it anywhere now other than in tissue form. HERE. Its a really great remover but actually no better than much cheaper ones ( this was something like £13 if I remember.) Its one of those where you press the cotton round down on the nozzle, which did make me use less each time. It's Acetone free which is a huge plus for many. The packaging is great too. I did find some on eBay which is less than i paid. I don't think I would get it again. Whilst it ticked a lot of boxes , it didn't impress me anymore than my cheap Boots one! |
This Caudalie Beauty Elixir came in a set with other items. Its a 30ml bottle & I certainly would not have paid for the 100ml as I didn't think it was that great. I tended to use mine as a face spray for the warmer weather. Not impressed at all though. |
This has to be my favourite foot cream. The Body Shop Peppermint Intensive Foot Rescue does a fantastic job & I miss it now it is gone. I will be getting some more very soon I hope as I am totally not liking the Origins one I am currently using. |
Nivea Soft Refreshingly Soft Moisturising Cream . Hmm. It came in a gift bag. I doubt I would use it otherwise. It was not bad, just not for me. Smelt a bit old lady to me...sorry! |
Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder. This is my current go to powder. Mine is in Warm Beige. I have another not opened yet as I am making myself use another from Bourjois ( which was my old favourite.) |
This came in a big set at Xmas. I can't say No7 Body Wash blew me away though. I am known for using shower gels quickly but this seemed to only cover not even a weeks worth. Smelt pleasant enough & I would use it if it was bought for me but I can't say I would rush to buy it for myself. |
The Body Shop Olive Shower Gel . This is 2nd of the small bottles I had. As before it smelt nice enough & washed well. I wouldn't buy it again for myself though. Like the No7 this particular scent I would only use if someone bought it for me. |
I am GUTTED this is finished. I got mine from eBay. Bath & Body Works Signature Collection Sea Island Cotton Shower Gel. IT SMELLS AMAZING! I need more. It washes really well & the scent lingers for hours. Anyway, that is all my empties for this time. I am sure I will be back soon with more! Amanda x |
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