Friday, 27 June 2014

Product Empties 11

It's that time again to do another product empties. For those who don't know what they are - I like to call them a mini review of items I have used up. I prefer these to monthly favourites as I think by finishing up a product I can give a better idea of what I thought. It is amazing how a product you love the begin with can sometimes not end so well & visa versa. 
Let's get started as there are a few here .

Original Source Pink Grapefruit - This was nice. I like pink grapefruit very much so was excited to give this a try. I do like the Original Source range , although which scents I like can be hit & miss. It always washes me well & the scent can last for ages. I would get this again when I don't have my own shower gel collection already in the cupboard to get through.

Body Shop Olive Shower Gel - I got this 60ml in a set with another 60ml bottle in a recent sale. It was nice enough, did a good job of cleaning me up. However, whilst I love the Body Shop range immensely this is in the not so keen camp. I have the other 60ml which I will use up but nah not for me!

Soap & Glory Flake Away Body Polish- I loved this so much , I used it up in very quick time. It smells divine & works a wonder on my body. Where some scrubs leave me feeling a little irritated for ages after, this still does it but only minor & gone within about 10 mins max. I feel like it really does the job fantastically. I would re-purchase when I need a new one ( like the shower gels I have lots of body scrubs too!)

Philip Kingsley One More Day Dry Shampoo - This came in my Birchbox. It was amazing. Did wonderful things for my hair & smelt divine. At £13.50 though for a 200ml can I don't think I will be buying it anytime soon though.

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Perfume - My favourite perfume ever. I had almost sued this when they released it again for this summer! It was one of only 2 things I bought during my 100 day ban as I was worried about running out. because I love it so much it is a smell that makes me think summer, hot weather, good times!A sensuous, sun-drenched blend of Bergamot, warm Amber, Tiare Flower and Vanilla combined with delicious creamy Coconut.

Nivea Extra Gentle Eye Make Up Remover - Definitely good enough to do the job it should. Removes all my eye make up, does not sting & none of that horrid greasiness that some can leave behind. Cheap enough too & usually on a special price somewhere to make it even better. Will repurchase soon as I only have what I am using right now & no backups.

Soap & Glory Puffy Eye Attack - I am going to be honest & say I thought this was a bit rubbish. Of course that is my opinion only but I really did not think it did anything for me whatsoever. For the cost of it I expected more.  

No7 Intense Day Cream - has an spf of 15 which is always good. Perfectly reasonable working cream. I think, along with the night cream I would re-purchase when funds allow as I do think they work better in tandem with each other. Not for now though!

Wilko Nail Polish Remover with Acetone - I can't find a link to it i'm afraid. It was very inexpensive though. I don't know about anyone else but as long as my remover is doing the job is should then I will pay as little as possible for it. I usually use the Boots brand one but picked this up last time. It really good. I thought a the price it was ( under £1 I am sure) that it would be a load of rubbish. You do have to work about harder if your polish contains a bit of glitter etc but really it does do a good job. I would get it again when the need arises.

Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer - My holy grail of the concealer world. I was without if for over a month during my ban as it ran out & I was not going to buy a new one! Mine is in Honey. It covers everything so well that I feel like my make-up looks fresh for hours. 

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Anyone For A BBQ?

Good Morning My Lovelies, 

With the weather now looking a lot like summer my mind has turned to all things picnics, BBQs & Al fresco dining. Here are few things that stood out for me! 

Butterfly Hamper. Also Bunting ,Wine Glasses & Tumblers. All NEXT.

What a brilliant idea this Cooler Jug is. Also from NEXT.

Sistema To Go Food Storage Containers Set of 6. Limited Edition apparently. John Lewis. 

Anorak Kissing rabbits Picnic Rug. Also Commuter Mug. - John Lewis.

Red Apples Foldaway Picnic Mat. Also Salad Bowl , Tray, Side Plates, Tumblers & Dinner Plates. - Dunelm Mill.

Clear Plastic Salad Bowl. Available in Pink, Red or Clear. Starting from £1.29. Dunelm Mill.

On trend Chevron pattern! Picnic Melamine Plates in Chevron. Pack 4 - Tesco.

Honeycomb Lunch Range. Lakeland.

Retro Style Picnic Flask ( The Little Picture Company.) - Not On The High Street.

Colourful Blue Vacuum Flask ( by Berry Red .) Not On The High Street.

Summerhouse Coastal Portable BBQ by Lisa Angel Homeware & Gifts .Not On The High Street

Polka Dot Pattern Food Cover Net . Also with Butterflies. BHS.

Petal Dip Bowls on Bamboo Tray. BHS.

Polka Dot Melamine Bowls set of 4.. Also in Vintage which also come in these 4 mini bowls too. BHS

Lots of things out there to make any picnic or party look stylish. Do you love eating outdoors? What have you found this year that you are loving?

Thanks for reading. See you soon.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Get Ready For Summer || Part 3 || Shoes & Accessories

You always need new shoes...right? I may need these!

This are on my to check out in store list...!

Thank you for taking to time to check out my Get Ready For Summer series. 

Monday, 16 June 2014

St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Mousse

Good Morning Everyone!

My thoughts recently have turned to tanning! I think with our summer hols approaching that is only natural. 

For some reason my legs never tan no matter what I do. Arms are always a nice shade, my feet too & any other places exposed to the sun. My legs though remain as white as snow ( well you get what I mean anyway.)
To make things worse I am now on medication where I have to slap on sunscreen so no chance now then.

I was going to book in to have some tanning sessions before we go away as the thought of fake tanning myself filled me with horror. The thought I would do it so badly I would end up looking like an orange. Knowing my luck it would get on my hands & refuse to move. You know, those kind of fears.

Anyway lately & I think because I enjoying what beauty gurus on You Tube I finally plucked up the courage to give it a try. Over I went to my local Boots after reading a few comments from other people about what they used & then any reviews I could find on Boots & such places. I finally settled on this ...

St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Body Mousse. Luckily it was only £13 when I got mine so I was not too worried if I applied it once, hated it & needed to bin it ( or give to someone else .)
So off I headed home armed with a hand mitt too ( so at least if it went a bit wrong I would not end up with odd looking hands, ) did a skin test as soon as I got home & then next day , after exfoliating, did the whole of my legs.

I loved how easy it went on & whilst there is a smell I did not find it at all over powering. I have smelt much worse believe me.

Anyway, next morning I was ecstatic to get up & see that I had slightly less white legs! Hubby could see it a little bit too which made me very happy.) I thought i could see a couple of places I had missed although hubby insists he couldn't. I did not think though for my 1st attempt it was that bad at all. So later that day I re-applied making sure to go over the sections I thought I had missed. When I came down the next morning Mr maddie said "Wow! I can see it now really well."

I am using it every other day as want to preserve it because it was still a lot of money. That is plenty though to give my legs the colour they needed. Before the thought of wearing shorts or shorter skirts would not be top of my list but now I have a new found love of denim shorts!

I would certainly recommend this one , if like me you are a bit scared of doing so. I found it so easy to use. Yes, its  the expensive end of tanning but I figured it was something worth spending on. Don't forget the mitt too. I know many people don't bother but this allows me to have that piece of mind that it will be slightly less mess!

I do plan on trying other cheaper ones too sometime so will review as & when I do.

Do you use self tanning products? What would you recommend to someone like me who is still new to it? Have you tried the cheaper ones? 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Face Of The Day - Keeping It Simple

Good Morning All, 

Sharing the make up that I am wearing today with you. I have a day on my own with some chores, blog posts to write as well as party invites to do & so keeping my whole appearance simple as I think it is lovely to do that from time to time.

I really couldn't be bothered with much make-up today but as I feel very tired this weekend & I do have to nip to the shops at some point I have just popped 5 things on my face! Hopefully it will help not to scare people too much! hehe!


Close up! Ignore the huge eye bags!!!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Get Ready For Summer || Part 2 || Other Clothing

Here I bring you part 2 of my Summer Clothing series. 

Last week was Summer dresses. 

This week I am bringing you all other clothing.


 What are you loving for the summer season?

Thanks for dropping by.