1 - My Kids of course will be top of this list! They may drive me insane most of the time with their mess, arguing etc blah but I love my children so very much I cannot ever imagine my life without them.
Whether it is a funny thing they say or a hug & an I love you, they never fail to cheer up a bad day.
Whether it is a funny thing they say or a hug & an I love you, they never fail to cheer up a bad day.
2 - Family Days. Nothing like them. We don't get to go out or spend time at home as a family of 4 very often now Brad is growing up. So, when we have a chance of a day out I get really excited. We might only go to the park for a few hours & I'll sit & read whilst the boys kick a ball about but that to me is the best way to spend my time. Now Brad is getting older he doesn't want to do so much now the days like these get so much more rare so I am making the most of them whilst I can
3 - My friends. Over the years I have learnt time & again who my real friends are. Now at 40 I seem to have finally realised that you don't need a huge circle of people in your life so long as the people you have would be there for you as much as you are them. It is quite refreshing to feel like that even if at times over the years it has felt sad to realise that some people are not quite who you thought they were. Now I love seeing my friends. Whether it is those who I only see a few times a year or those I see several times a year. I know for sure they are the people I want to spend my time with, Nothing like a good night out with your friends.
4 - Cute animal memes on FB. I am a sucker for a cute dog or cat or any animal for that matter so the photos that I see around the net never fail to bring a smile to my face.
5 - Being happy. Just those days where for once I feel nothing but genuinely happy. There will probably be no reason other than no reason but they are the most refreshing of all. I make the most of those days.
A silly post for today but I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Let me know the things that make you smile :-)
Amanda xxx
Amanda xxx

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