Friday, 26 July 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow...?

...quite well atm actually. 

We may not have the biggest of gardens, being more large letter stamp than normal postage stamp sized, but we do try to pack in what we can with the space we have.

The lawn & patio I am not bothering to show as these are mainly strewn with toys. So, this leaves the flower beds & pots as an adult domain.

1st off is our lovely sunflower. We have 3 in the garden but this is the best one of them by far right now. 

 2 planters of tomatoes. Still green right now but there are loads on each. Brad is a fussy eater but loves Tomatoes so are a great thing for us to grow.

 Strawberry plants. Although right now I can't see any on there because as soon as any appear the boys eat them!!

 Our little veggie plot. Carrots because Finley loves them & Peppers at the back. These are mainly for the guinea pigs as they love them & we thought we could save having to buy some for a while!!

One of the pepper plants with peppers on. We do have more in a container on Brads bedroom window ledge & there are plenty growing there as well.

So a slightly productive garden this year rather than just a wall of flowers but its really satisfying to see the veggie seeds we planted growing into something really useful.

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